ACE Facts

Florida's Adult Education System

Florida’s adult education system includes a range of instructional programs that help adults get the basic skills they need to be productive workers, family members, and citizens. The major program areas are Adult Basic Education, Adult High School and GED® Preparation, and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). These programs emphasize basic skills such as reading, writing, math, and English language competency. Adult education programs also help adult learners gain the knowledge and skills they need to enter and succeed in postsecondary education.

Florida’s Adult Education Programs:

  • Currently serve over 167,000 adult students through school district and state college adult education programs. 
  • Give students a second chance at completing and receiving their high school diploma (GED®), improving their literacy skills, obtaining workforce readiness skills, and creating a pathway to higher education and/or employment.
  • Provide basic English literacy and language instruction to support workforce needs and open doors to further postsecondary educational opportunities.
  • Are funded through the state’s Workforce Funding appropriation.
  • Are the state authorized public provider of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), GED®, and Integrated Education and Training (IET) programs.
  • Offer the Florida High School Diploma (GED®) which satisfies the high school diploma admission requirements for all Florida technical colleges and state colleges.
  • Provide Integrated Education Training (IET) opportunities to allow students to progress faster toward their employment and postsecondary goals.
  • Recognize that as the literacy level of the adults in a home rises, so does the literacy level of their children, leading to higher academic achievement.
  • Play a role in educating adults, which in turn, creates stronger communities.


Florida Adult Education Fact Sheet

The Business Case For Adult Education